Thank You, Captain David Wright!!!
Well, Today is the Day my Mets Brothers and Sisters.
For the Final time, The Mets will Active David Wright, Our Captain and will be Part of the Active Roster for the Final Time in his Career. This comes as Bittersweet, It'll be Great to hear that News, but at the same time, It'll be very Sad to know that this will be the Final 6 Games we will be able to see Our Beloved Captain again! Saturday is his Final Start with Jose Reyes the Left of him.
No Amed Rosario, No Jack Reinheimer, No Wilmer Flores, Just David Wright himself and Jose Reyes. One of the Greatest if not THE Greatest Infield Tandems in Mets History! A lot of People demanded for David to Retire, but he kept pushing and pushing and Pushing to get back to the game he loves! In the End, He is Retiring, but on HIS Terms. HE is going to Play 1 more game before calling it a Career.
Lots of People said he will never step on a Major League Baseball Field again, but they were Proven wrong! David Wright is going to play 1 more game of Baseball at the Major League Level. It may be a Lost Season, but This can Arguably be one of the Positives about this Season, Seeing a Loyal Met work his Hardest to play Baseball again even if it's only for 1 game.
David Wright is forever an Inspiration to the Game of Baseball and to those who have been Injured and want to give up. David Wright NEVER Gave up until he got what he wanted, and that was getting on a Major League Baseball Field, Playing and Starting in a Major League Baseball game again!
People will say it's nothing for Just a Cameo Appearance or Complain about Money in regards to insurance about David's Contract, But I say it's Mission Accomplished! Money isn't important in this Case! It's not even something to talk about right now. Right now, It's about David and his Long Awaited Return! This isn't the time for Bitter, Miserable Met fans to have the "What have you Done for me?" Attitude, This is about one of the Greatest Mets in History, Who has done so much for this Team, He deserves this One Last game. Those same fans will say The Mets don't owe David anything.
They Owe him this, A Game in a Lost season for him to play 1 more game. If the Mets were in a Pennant Race, I would say not to play him, But with the Mets not going to the Playoffs this year, David Wright deserves this and the Mets DO owe him this! He's been a Met his ENTIRE Career and is Leaving the Game of Baseball as a Met under His terms! He knows it's the End, but the Game isn't telling him to stop, He's telling himself it's time to stop!
It's painful to know that he will Never Step on the Field again after this season, But I'm happy knowing that David is Playing 1 Last game, Not only for the Fans or the Team, But for His Family and for his 2 Daughters to see their Dad play the Great Game of Baseball! In Conclusion, David Wright 100% Deserves to have his #5 Retired! I don't care what anyone says, I will Argue that he does until the End of time that his #5 MUST be retired!!!
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